Behind the Scenes of CMX Masterclasses Powered by the New Bevy Virtual Meetup

Ana Levidze
April 20, 2024

Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes to bring CMX Masterclasses to life? Well, consider this as your exclusive backstage pass to find what it’s all about.

Pulling off a successful CMX Masterclass requires meticulous planning and preparation behind the scenes. While the spotlight shines on the engaging sessions and valuable insights shared during the sessions, it's the unseen efforts that lay the foundation for its success.

At CMX, we've always been committed to delivering exceptional virtual experiences, and Bevy Virtual Meetup has become our secret sauce in creating unforgettable masterclass events. In this article, we're excited to take you on a journey behind the scenes, sharing the intricate steps we take before and during our CMX Masterclasses to deliver engaging and immersive sessions that exceed your expectations.

So grab your backstage pass, and let's take a closer look at some of the key elements that make a CMX Masterclass a success!

Preparing for CMX Masterclasses with Bevy Virtual Meetup

Before we get into all the nitty-gritty details, let's step back and explore how we bring CMX Masterclasses to life. Every month, we curate a virtual stage where community industry thought leaders share their valuable insights and expertise on crucial topics and challenges.

Planning for our Masterclasses starts well in advance. We curate a dynamic calendar at the beginning of each year, securing potential speakers and organizing sessions. This approach ensures a diverse lineup of experts who provide valuable insights to our audience.

Our calendar serves as a roadmap, guiding us throughout the year and allowing us to allocate sufficient time for preparation. By planning ahead, we ensure that our sessions cover a wide range of relevant topics and challenges community professionals face. This early planning also facilitates collaboration with our speakers to fine-tune the content. Through this collaborative effort, our Masterclasses deliver practical knowledge to our community.

An essential aspect that sets our Masterclasses apart is our virtual format. It allows us to scale the event and make it accessible to a global audience. We can tap into thought leaders from around the world, enabling us to share their expertise and insights with our attendees.

As we gear up for our upcoming CMX Masterclass we leave no room for technical mishaps. Prior to going live, we conduct thorough tech checks to ensure a seamless experience. Let's take a glimpse into some of the crucial elements we address during our tech-check day to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Step 1: Captivating Attendees from the Start

Creating event landing pages with Bevy Event Page Builder

What's the use of hosting a Masterclass if nobody knows it's happening? That's why we've prioritized creating a dedicated landing page for our CMX Masterclasses. After all, the first step to capturing attendees' attention is ensuring they know about our events and can easily discover what we have to offer.

To bring our vision to life, we used Bevy's Event Page Builder—a tool that gives us the ultimate freedom to customize and create visually stunning event pages that leave a lasting impression. Not only does it allow us to design an engaging experience, but also maintain brand consistency.

The best part? No coding is required. With the Event Page Builder, we could design captivating event pages without technical expertise. Plus, we can rest assured that our pages will look amazing on any device, whether it's a mobile phone or a tablet, thanks to its responsive design.

Step 2: Perfecting the First Impression

Now that we have the CMX Masterclass page up and live, it's time to dive into the nitty-gritty details of the tech check. We all know how important it is to make a good first impression, right?

Before joining the live session, both our hosts and attendees can take a moment and ensure their cameras and audio are set up flawlessly. No more joining with messy hair or wasting precious minutes asking, "Can you hear me? Can you see me?" We're all about looking professional right from the get-go!

At this stage, we invite our participants to make their mark by personalizing their names in the name change bar. It's not just about names; it's about self-expression. Add pronunciations, include your preferred pronouns, or even throw in a cheeky emoji or two. We believe in fostering an inclusive and welcoming atmosphere right from the start. After all, it's the little details that help us forge connections and create a sense of understanding among participants.

By leveraging these features of Bevy Virtual Meetup, our hosts can confidently step onto the virtual stage, knowing that their audio and visual settings are all set up and their personal identities are respected. It's these small yet impactful details that set the tone for a welcoming CMX Masterclass experience.

Step 3: Setting the Stage

Mesh Network Technology Event Conference

Let's face it, we're all human, and sometimes our backgrounds can get a little messy and cluttered. It happens to the best of us, especially when we're caught up in the excitement of CMX Masterclasses.

With Bevy Virtual Meetup, our attendees and hosts have a choice to choose between a blur filter that eliminates distractions or selecting from a pre-defined list of custom images to personalize their virtual surroundings. Whether you are joining from a home office, a busy cafe, or any other location, this feature ensures that the spotlight remains on you!

Our attendees and hosts have become quite creative with this feature. Some transport themselves to breathtaking mountains or famous landmarks, adding an extra touch of inspiration to their presentations. The possibilities are truly limitless!

But what really sets the stage apart is the exceptional quality of the session. Through Bevy Virtual Meetup's latest mesh network technology, attendees and hosts from anywhere in the world can connect with each other in super clear quality and clarity. This means that you can see micro expressions, capturing the subtle nuances and emotions that break boundaries and make everyone feel like they are sitting together in one room. Achieving this level of immersion and connection is often challenging in virtual events, but with Bevy Virtual Meetup, it becomes a reality in our CMX Masterclasses

Step 4: Amplifying Engagement

Speaker and Grid View

One thing that we want to ensure during the tech check process is to create an experience so captivating that each and every attendee feels like they're right there in the front row of our CMX Masterclass.

With a Speaker View, we give attendees the full freedom to customize their viewing experience to customize their experience by switching between Grid View and Speaker View to suit their preference. With Speaker View, participants can see the speaker alongside their slides or content as if they have a front-row seat to the presentation.

To make it even easier for our attendees to follow along, we have the Screen share indicator, which shows who is sharing their screen during the Masterclass. Additionally, we offer the Host Icons feature, which allows attendees to see who the hosts, moderators, and presenters are, as well as a filter that lets them sort based on attendee roles.

This brings a human touch to the virtual space and enhances focus and engagement, as every gesture, expression, and nuance adds depth and meaning to the words being shared.

Step 5: Elevating Networking and Interaction

Networking, chat, DMs in Bevy Virtual

At CMX, we believe that meaningful connections and interactions are at the heart of every successful Masterclass. That's why we try our best to keep our attendees as engaged as possible throughout the whole session.

With Bevy Virtual Meetup, the possibilities for networking and interaction are endless. It provides numerous ways for attendees to connect, share their insights, and engage in real-time conversations. From the busy general chat where thoughts and ideas are exchanged to the ability to reach out to fellow participants through direct messages, Bevy Virtual Meetup allows us to curate a vibrant environment with opportunities for connection.

During the event, we make it a point to ask the audience where they're tuning in from. This not only adds an interactive element but also helps foster a sense of belonging among participants. Additionally, the chat functionality offers us features such as pinning important announcements for easy access and visibility, as well as threading or quoting messages to maintain context in both small and large events. This ensures seamless conversations and clarity throughout our discussions.
To create a more intimate atmosphere during our Masterclasses, we utilize breakout rooms. These rooms provide attendees with valuable opportunities to network with each other in smaller groups, fostering personal connections.

Another highlight is our post-session Q&A with the Masterclass hosts. This is where attendees get the chance to ask burning questions and directly interact with the hosts. And for the hosts, managing the Q&A is a breeze, thanks to the streamlined notification system. The system includes "message counts" to show how many unread messages you have in either Chat, DMs, or Q&A. This helps us stay on top of things and ensures that no one misses any crucial information, allowing everyone to easily catch up on any unread messages and stay engaged and involved in the Masterclass.

Step 6: Ensuring a Seamless Experience

Network Stats Bevy Virtual

Lastly, we understand how frustrating it can be to deal with connectivity issues or poor video quality that can make it difficult for you to fully engage in a Masterclass. That's why we take advantage of Bevy Virtual Meetup, which helps us monitor network stats to ensure there are no issues with the quality of our experience.

But here's the really cool part: It's not just hosts that get the ability to check potential issues and guarantee the smooth delivery of their valuable insights. Participants can also access network stats on their end to troubleshoot their own connection if they experience low-quality video.

To ensure that all participants can enjoy the best experience possible, even after the CMX Masterclasses have ended, we leverage Bevy Virtual Meetup's powerful features. We record the live Masterclass in Full HD quality at 1080p for those who may have missed the event or wish to revisit the valuable insights shared during the session. Moreover, Bevy Virtual Meetup empowers hosts to easily upload and showcase the recorded videos on the Bevy event page, allowing everyone to enjoy the session in exceptional clarity and crisp quality

Step 7: Extending the Reach

Bevy Virtual Translation and Live Captions

What happens when we want to expand the reach of our CMX Masterclasses? With Bevy Virtual Meetup, we have the flexibility to livestream our Masterclasses to various platforms, including LinkedIn Live, Facebook Live, YouTube, and more. This means that not only can our attendees join us on the Bevy event page, but we can also engage an even larger audience across different social media platforms.

By leveraging the ability to live stream, hosts create opportunities for more people to benefit from the valuable insights and knowledge shared during our sessions. It allows hosts to break the boundaries and connect with individuals who may not have been able to participate otherwise. This commitment to fostering a community of learning and growth extends beyond the confines of a single event, enabling event hosts to make a wider impact.

But it doesn't stop there. At CMX, we strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone can fully participate and engage in our CMX Masterclasses. We understand that language barriers can be a significant hurdle for some participants.

Using Bevy Virtual Meetup, we are planning to implement live captioning functionality, which will eventually generate real-time captions for the sessions*. This will allow individuals with hearing impairments or those who prefer reading the content to fully engage and follow along with the discussions. Additionally, we are working on incorporating Bevy Virtual Meetup's translation capabilities, which will make it easier for non-native English speakers to understand and participate in our CMX Masterclasses. Our goal is to provide translations in multiple languages, breaking language barriers and creating a truly global learning community.

*Please note that while these features are not yet available, we are actively working on them. We anticipate that live captioning and translations will be enabled in the near future.

Unlocking the Potential: Building Masterclasses with Bevy Virtual Meetup

As we wrap up this behind-the-scenes journey of how we bring CMX Masterclasses to life, one thing is clear: We wouldn't be able to do it without Bevy Virtual Meetup.

So grab your backstage pass, and if you want to test out all the capabilities yourself, book a demo with us, and we'll be happy to walk you through Bevy Virtual Meetup's capabilities!

Ana Levidze
Community Content Manager
April 20, 2024

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